Ziggy // theoneandonlyziggy
The Comedians
Painted with Chris Bardeloza
“The Comedians” is an on going series of paintings painted with Chef Chris Bardeloza. We set out to use a very restrictive color palette. Strictly adhering to the tetradic selected colors in the series, Chris would start from a place of pure color inspiration, thus determining the color selection of the portraiture which was then rendered out by Ziggy. It’s a pure collaboration from a place of joy. We simply wanted to paint the comedians that we watched together and made us laugh.
We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
Cardboard and Ink #findmeiamfree
The Cardboard and Ink series of paintings was born out of two synchronicities. The first being that when I would outline a larger painting I would make the throw-away outline on cardboard with a black ink that I mixed for it’s longevity and darkness. In some cases the clients connected more with the outline! The simplicity of the portraiture just came through. Then there was the realization that I wanted my art to be attainable, and not “want” anything from it’s viewer. I wanted to share this value with my community. Instead of disposing of these outlines after the painting was finished, I shared them with Carrollton, TX leaving them in places to be found. #findmeiamfree
I wanted to create a unique and lasting experience. I wanted to connect people to visual art in their everyday lives and encourage adventure in my own city.
The LA Abstracts
Painted with Brandon Amano
“The LA Abstracts” Is a series of paintings that I painted with Brandon Amano. This series, much like the comedians collaboration was born out of a years long friendship. We always wanted to work on some kind of a project together, but we didn’t know what. Whether it was out of a kind of “fuck it” frustration, or a more exploratory place we decided they didn’t have to “be” anything. Once we decided to do abstracts, it took a life of it’s own. There were multiple color passes on several canvasses all at once. Reloading obliterated palettes and growing impatient with the layer dry-times. These pieces were created in a frenetic process of experimentation texture wise, and a cathartic rotation of layering until we decided on each piece one by one, not if it was done - but if we were done with it.